Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 13

In the next several weeks the baby will gain 30% of it's body weight. The fetus's arms, legs, and hands grow and are no longer webbed. S/he begins to take on a baby's recognizable proportions. Blood coursing through the umbilical cord is made in the liver for now. The fetus measures about two inches long from head to butt and weighs a little less than an ounce.

Adam and I are doing great! :D My sickness is subsiding bit by bit and I am able to enjoy cooking in the kitchen more often. My belly is beginning to show a tiny baby bump and some of my pants I must wear a belly band with, in order to be comfortable. I exercise often, some of you would assume I would, as I average about 3-6 miles of walking a week. Looking to increase that a bit more to what the doctor recommended 30 minutes of exercise 3-4 days a week. I also took up a Piyo Class (half yoga and half pilates) twice a month, with an instructor who is certified in prenatal fitness.
Work is going great as my managers enjoy giving me a hard time. All three of them have young children so you can imagine the laughter we share. The hotel Guest Service Scores continue to go up and the hotel received an amazing score when Marriott came to inspect the hotel this year. (Score of 93/100)

Adam is going strong with his projects. He installed a few hard wire Ethernet connections and stained two of the doors that will go in the basement. He cleaned the garage in order to do more projects with in it, and bought some installation to start on as well for the basement. During our trip Adam shot a rabbit in pure darkness. We were all impressed!

We both enjoyed our trip to North Dakota, where we went pheasant hunting but ended up catching 4 coons (Dan's dog, Jack was a little confused on what the word bird really meant as he ran off and hunted coons instead), one rabbit, and one pheasant. We found out... that my dominate eye is my left which means I am a lefty when shooting, my dad has a couple of REALLY NICE rifles, and LaVache is a good bird dog in the making. Her real incentive was finding mice as fast as she could... but the birds didn't know that. shhhhh

-- Lori, Adam and Baby

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