Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just... random

Yesterday morning I had the most asinine dream I can remember. In it, Lori and I were watching TV and my grandma's house and saw a commercial for what was supposed to be "the best episode of Star Trek EVER" so after fiddling with the VCR at the appropriate time to get it to work, because even though the VCR was on the right channel, the TV was on channel 43 and there was no remote, so it took forever to get down to channel 3 (really, who has problems with the VCR in their dream?). Anyway, we tune in, and I immediately notice that this particular episode was directed by Jonathan Frakes, who is responsible for such Star Trek wonders as Gilbert & Sullivan duets and invisible chase scenes (and that's just the first 15 minutes of ONE movie). Anyway, in the episode, Wesley Crusher and some other person (possibly Mordock) are on their way back to the Enterprise in a shuttlecraft when it is hijacked by a race of uber-nerds called Rick Astley (YouTube Link - I had no idea who he was and had to look him up, strange what your subconscious knows that you don't). They hijacked the shuttle because they'd somehow found out that years earlier, Wesley had had a run in with William Shatner (not Captain Kirk, but actually Shatner) who is apparently like a God to geeks all over the universe. At this run in, one of Shatner's hair follicles had fallen on Wesley and over those years, Shatner's DNA had become contained within Wesley's own, and Rick Astley wanted Shatner's DNA to integrate into their own. I should point out at this point that Rick Astley was a weird, gnarled looking collective race. Their ships and all their people had the same DNA, and when one was 'updated', they all were. They also looked like they were made out of green, red and yellow play dough. Anyway, they extract the Shatner DNA and one of them takes it out of the lab and scratches his arm with his big, yellow, pointy fingernail and shoves the hair follicle into his bloodstream. (More of just a shove into the play dough than anything.) At that point, something goes horribly, horribly wrong, and they all start to turn a dark purple (perhaps the Shatner was too much to handle?)
At that point, it cuts to the Enterprise where Data finds out the shuttlecraft has been hijacked, and goes to tell Picard. Data has to plead with Picard 3 times to go rescue Wesley, because Picard is on his way to the Emerald City Comic Con and doesn't want to be bothered.
That was when, in the dream, I said "this is the most patently ridiculous thing I've ever seen." There were a few more things that happened, including a deadpan stare-straight-at-the-camera-for-5-seconds moment out of Picard, but at that point I was waking up and things got a little fuzzy.

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