Friday, October 16, 2009

My equilibrium is off...

In 2002, Christian Bale did a really good movie called Equilibrium. It is set in a future with almost no crime due to mass self medication with a drug that suppresses all emotion. There is only one crime - "sense offence". To be caught feeling is a death sentence. At one point in the movie, there is a powerful scene where one of the characters has stopped taking his "dose" and wakes up to see the sunlight lighting the surface of his translucent window.
He touches the window to feel it's warmth and then frantically peels the film from the window to reveal a bright orange sunrise coming up over his grey city, and is moved to tears.

This morning as I was driving to work I was in a hurry and frustrated and tired and thinking about things that were keeping my spirits down. As I was driving across the Hwy 77 bridge, I threw a glance over my shoulder to merge and caught a glimpse of the orange morning sun coming up over the wildlife refuge. Immediately all my emotions were intensified. I was so overcome that I nearly had to pull over.

How often do we stop to appreciate the beauty around us? We seem to always be rushing here, doing this, squeezing in that... this past week I have nearly called in to work every day because I get up and drive over the wildlife refuge. Every day I marvel at its beauty and simplicity. And at that moment, there is nothing I would rather do than go home and grab my camera and spend those precious morning moments enjoying God's beauty. Only the fear of being fired keeps me on my path. Sometimes I wonder if that would really bother me that much. I hate that fear now dictates so much of my life. Unfortunately, I'm not yet at the point where my photography can even come close to supporting a family. Until that happens or I get laid off, I'm kinda stuck. Anyone know any wealthy venture capitalists looking to support a guy chasing his passion?

-- Adam

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